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Knightly Services warrants that all workmanship provided by our employees be done in accordance with local building codes and professional standards for the normal life of the installation and will correct any installation that does not meet those standards at the time of installation free of charge, subject to the limitations detailed below. This warranty extends through the normal life of the installation.Knightly Services warrants that all workmanship provided by our employees be done in accordance with local building codes and professional standards for the normal life of the installation and will correct any installation that does not meet those standards at the time of installation free of charge, subject to the limitations detailed below. This warranty extends through the normal life of the installation.


This warranty extends only to parts and labor provided by Knightly Services. Parts provided by others or installations done by others are expressly excluded from this warranty. This warranty does not cover items damaged by acts of nature, misuse, or abuse. Light bulbs are expressly excluded from this warranty unless otherwise specified. This warranty is limited to only those items installed or provided by Knightly Services. Remedies for warranty claims are limited to the repair or replacement of the damaged part or faulty installation up to but not exceeding a full refund for the installation or faulty portion of the installation. This warranty does not cover the cost of repairs made by others unless authorized in writing by Knightly Services. This warranty does not apply to installations or parts for which Knightly Services has not received payment. Failure to pay for a service or installation voids any and all warranty coverage offered by Knightly Services. No warranty coverage is extended to pro gratis or courtesy repairs. This warranty is non-transferable and is only enforceable by the original purchaser. No warranty coverage or guarantees are extended to subsequent owners or occupants with the exception of work performed as a condition to the sale of the property and completed within 45 days of the closing. In such cases, the warranty for that work will extend to the new homeowner

Knightly Services warrants that all parts provided and installed by us be free of defects and that we will repair or replace any defective part free of charge (up to $250 USD). This warranty is subject to the limitations listed here or on the service order. Parts that are discovered to be defective within 6 months of installation are covered by full warranty, which includes the cost of the installation of the new part. Parts that are discovered to be defective after 6 months are covered under a limited lifetime warranty that covers the cost of the part (up to $250 USD) but not installation. Knightly Services must be notified within 30 days of discovering the failed part for it to be covered under this warranty. Smoke Detectors provided and installed by Knightly Services are covered for 6 Months only.



Knightly Services warrants that all workmanship provided by our employees will be done in accordance with local building codes and professional standards for the normal life of the installation and Knightly Services will correct free of charge any installation that does not meet those standards at the time of installation, subject to the limitations detailed below:


Knightly Services warrants that all parts provided and installed by us will be free of defects and that we will repair or replace any defective part free of charge (up to $250 USD). This warranty is subject to the manufacturer’s warranty and the limitations listed here or on the service order. Parts that are discovered to be defective within 6 months of installation are covered by Knightly Services’ warranty, which includes the cost of the installation of the new part. Parts that are discovered to be defective after 6 months are covered under a limited warranty covering the cost of the part (up to $250 USD) but not installation. Knightly Services must be notified within 30 days of discovering the failed part for it to be covered under this warranty. Smoke Detectors provided and installed by Knightly Services are covered for 6 Months only.


Any Knightly Services warranty extends only to parts and labor provided by Knightly Services. Remedies for warranty claims are limited to the repair or replacement of the damaged part or faulty installation up to, but not exceeding, the cost the installation or faulty portion of the installation. Any Knightly Services warranty is non-transferable and is only enforceable by the original Customer. No warranty coverage is extended to subsequent property owners or occupants with the exception of work performed as a condition to the sale of the property and completed within 45 days of the closing of such sale. In such cases, the warranty for that work will extend to the new property owner.

Expressly excluded from all Knightly Services warranties are the following:

  • Parts provided by others or repairs or installations done by others unless authorized in writing by Knightly Services;

  • Light bulbs, including but not limited to, incandescent, fluorescent, LED, etc.

  • Items damaged by acts of nature, misuse, or abuse;

  • Any parts or installations provided free-of-charge by Knightly Services;

  • Any installations or parts for which Knightly Services has not received full and timely payment.

Surge Protection

Knightly Services does not guarantee, insure, or warranty against lightning or electrical surges except to the extent that Knightly Services will provide a new surge protector in the event one should fail while covered under the above-noted Parts Warranty. Claims for components

damaged by lightning or electrical surges are covered by the manufacturer’s warranty only and not covered under Knightly Services warranty.

Knightly Services Electrical Inspections

Electrical Inspections are performed by Knightly Services to assess the general condition of the electrical system by analyzing specific parts of the system to get an overall understanding of its condition. Inspections do not include inspecting the integrity of the wires themselves or the integrity of every electrical connection within the property’s electrical system; including but not limited to receptacles, switches, fans, light fixtures, breakers, etc. If customer requires an inspection of the integrity of the wires, then Knightly Services can perform a Megometer test for an additional charge.

Video doorbells

Knightly Services installs “Smart” video doorbells; however, it does not warranty WiFi connectivity or programming for such installations. WiFi connectivity and programming of the device is the Customer’s responsibility. Further, the Customer is responsible for maintaining the WiFi connection and reconnecting or reprogramming the device after a power loss at the property.

Digging and Trenching

Knightly Services agrees to exercise reasonable care when digging, trenching, or excavating in a Customer’s yard or grounds. Prior to commencement of work, Knightly Services will arrange to have the public utilities located and marked. The Customer is responsible for marking all private utilities such as control or low voltage lines, invisible fencing, pool, drainage, septic lines and tanks, etc. Further, Customer understands that digging is inherently destructive and holds Knightly Services harmless for any disturbance or damage to its yard, grounds, sod, irrigation,
private utilities, shrubs, or drainage, or any other underground wiring. If any of private utility lines are inadvertently damaged by Knightly Services, further charges will apply for Knightly Services to repair these lines

Flood lights

Providing Customer is present on the day of installation, Knightly Services agrees to obtain the Customer’s approval on the position of floodlight angles prior to leaving the property. If positioning and sensor adjustments were made during the day and Customer is unhappy with
the position of lights at night, additional costs will be necessary for Knightly Services to return and make additional adjustments. For any fixtures installed when the Customer is not present, the Customer agrees to rely on the experience of the Knightly Services technician to best position the flood light.

No Warranty Repair Exclusion

Repairs explicitly listed on the service order as “No Warranty” are excluded entirely from any Knightly Services warranty described herein.

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