Have you ever had a breaker trip on your electrical panel? One Johns Creek client contacted us with a breaker that needed diagnosing. After performing several different electrical tests (including ohming out the circuit and MEGH testing the wires), I replaced the tripping breaker that day.

How to self-diagnose breakers?
Did you know that you can have self-diagnosing breakers now? New breakers known as Arc Fault Breakers come with computer chips inside the breaker that tell you exactly what's going on when they trip.

A Cumming client contacted us about an Arc Fault breaker that had been repeatedly tripping on him for over a year. When I arrived and reset the breaker, the little red light on it blinked 6 times. That told me the breaker self-diagnosed its self and had gone bad. A simple breaker swap and I had his kitchen outlets back up and running again!

Need help with your home or business electrical needs? Contact your knight, Ryan Smith with Knightly Electrical Services at 770-243-5706!