Should you be concerned about your home's lighting and security around the entrance to your home? This Roswell client contacted us because some of her outdoor lights were not working properly. After a conversation about it, I discovered her worries about the lights not working proper had more to do with her own sense of security.

Her husband had recently passed away, and talking some more, we decided that a two-fold strategy: 1) install a new front door Ring Camera Doorbell and 2) install a front of driveway Ring Camera Flood Light would work for her situation. I purchased the products for both and then installed them on the same day.
Why do we need security lights?

Here are the top reasons why you need to have security lights around your home:
Illuminating driveways, backyards, pathways, steps, porches and around the rest of your home will help to eliminate the possibilities of injuries for you and your loved ones
One of the greatest benefits in installing outdoor lighting is to improve home security. By adding bright lights around the exterior of your house, you can guarantee shadows and dark corners are brought to light in the late hours of the night. This makes it easier for you, neighbors and security cameras to notice unwanted night time visitors.
When you install exterior security lighting, it's an investment towards your home's overall value. It will add to the overall appraisal value when you are looking to sell your home.
It can reduce your cost in home insurance. Many insurance companies offer discounts or deductions on premiums for homeowners who have installed security lighting outside their home.
This Roswell client kindly left us a 5-star Google Recommendation:
“Very pleased with the installation Knightly Electrical (Ryan Smith) did for me. He offered some excellent advice on issues that need attention. I will definitely use for future needs.”